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4 Steps to Spiritually Navigate Quarantine

Coronavirus is calling for a pause in everyday busyness and opening a space for stillness and introspection. 
The coronavirus has created a fissure in the fabric of reality where we are now able to see two vastly different realities at one time. This pandemic is pulling back the veil of perception so that you — if you choose — are able to enter a new paradigm, which meditation, mindfulness, and certain philosophies have been pointing to for years. This new reality isn’t really new, it has existed just underneath the perception of everyday life, subtly waiting for humanity to access this infinite field. 
Right now, you are being given a choice. Will you continue in chaos and uncertainty or will you decisively choose peace and spaciousness, no matter the journey that it entails? 
  1. The first reality is governed by your ego’s perception of the coronavirus. This surface reality is permeated with fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. 
  2. Just under this layer is the second reality, which is the reality seen through the eyes of your soul and consciousness. This reality is orchestrated through peace, stillness, and consciousness. 
First, it’s important to acknowledge the energetic state of the world that has dominated our current time. The fundamentals of this crumbling paradigm are characterized by a scarcity of time, and the incessant need to have somewhere to go, something to do and someone to be. Does this sound familiar? This is the territory of the ego or the aspect within you that requires a certain level of chaotic stimulation and distraction to stay alive.How To Maximize Trailhead
Right now, we are being ushered into the underbelly of consciousness, on a global level. This level of reality is the soul’s domain that rests in stillness, spaciousness, simplicity, and ease. With social distancing, quarantine and a collective effort to flatten the curve of coronavirus, we are all being dropped into a stillness and spaciousness that is foreign. 
This is the opportunity to acclimate to a rapidly changing world, one in which we can no longer survive off of busyness and distraction. You are being reintroduced to your highest wisdom and light, which can only be accessed through stillness and time alone. This is a globally mandated meditation where you cannot escape yourself or the expanse of time that is begging to be utilized to develop a deeper relationship with your heart, mind, and consciousness. 
While the feelings of fear, isolation, lack of control and anxiety are all normal, they are also demanding your attention. These specific frequencies are all signs that the ego is becoming increasingly uncomfortable as it realizes it’s the current reality of needing constant stimulation, control and distraction, which is being taken away. 
These feelings are signs that you are going through the alchemizing process that is necessary to exit the old paradigm of incessant desire, consumption, and scarcity. The old paradigm works like this: you desire someone or something that you think will make you happy, you consume objects or experiences in this pursuit, and then you realize that what you thought would fulfill you doesn’t last long and you need more to satiate your desire to escape pain and experience pleasure. 
Energized OutdoorsAs we exit this matrix, we can no longer talk about our feelings as unnecessary annoyances, go to therapy once a week, and meditate at the beginning of a yoga class. In this dramatically slower pace that coronavirus is mandating, you are now entering a forced reunion with every shrugged off feeling, experience and reality that you didn’t have time for. This is the opportunity to meet yourself at a deeper level than ever before and get to know who you are without the incessant doing that governs every hour of your life. 
At the end of this tunnel, once you have met yourself in stillness and become comfortable slowing down, is a state of abiding happiness, peace, and stillness. However, it is first necessary to face the discomfort within yourself that arises when slowing down into the deeper reality at play. Make sure that you are taking care of your body and mind, which includes getting natural sun exposure and it’s nurturing sun rays.
With this fork in the road, and fissure of realities, it is crucial to understand how to access the soul’s perception of reality. Here is how to navigate the time and space, which the coronavirus has collectively created.
While it may feel that the world is spinning out of control, there is a greater opportunity at play: coronavirus is the global opportunity to move from chaos and fear into peace and spaciousness. 
Quarantine and social distancing are providing the opportunity to know yourself and your consciousness at a deeper level. This collective pause is the necessary slowing down process that is opening a new way of existing characterized by peace, ease and awakened consciousness (read Part 1 for more). 
Here is your guide to navigating this uncertain time, which includes four steps to uncover the gifts of slowing down and alchemize any feelings of uncertainty, fear or loss of control.  
1. Move From Fear to Love
While there is a great opportunity at hand, that doesn’t minimize the feelings of fear that are arising in so many hearts. There is palpable fear and uncertainty around health, income, resources and other unknown factors. This may sound counterintuitive, but the best way to handle fear, or any emotion for that matter, is to allow the emotion to be thoroughly felt and expressed. Ironically, the more you try to be unafraid, the more fear will arise. The most courageous thing you can do is to process each feeling, which can be easier said than done. Click here for the step-by-step process to navigate intense emotions. 
2. Connect with the Sun
To feel more grounded, energized and balanced, it is crucial to connect with nature, specifically the sun.  If you don’t have access to nature at this time, sit by a window and let the fresh air and sunshine cleanse your energy field. Close your eyes and absorb the necessary vitamin D, which assists in keeping your mood level. If you can connect to the sun while in nature, this is an added bonus. However, the most important piece of the equation is direct sunlight.  
3. Create
Creating is one of the most crucial endeavours for a balanced life. Prior to coronavirus, most people were constantly in a rush, busy moving through the chaos of each day, and neglecting the time to play and create. Creating is highly underrated in our society, yet it’s the key to balancing your mental and emotional health. Creating is done in spaciousness and requires time, presence and intention. Try cooking a new meal using items in the back of the pantry, paint, write, dance, sing, make art. Creation isn’t intended to result in a masterpiece, rather it’s a form of expression that allows stagnant energy and emotions to be expressed and alchemized. Each time you create, you balance your emotional and energetic bodies, which allows you to be more productive and focused when you switch from being into doing. Use this time to rest, restore and create just for the sake of creation. Approach this with a childlike sense of wonder, awe, and playfulness. 
4. Care for the Collective
As a higher consciousness awakens on the planet, we are collectively moving from individual concern to collective concern. This virus is requiring a collective effort in order to flatten the curve. It will not work for individuals to continue living as they were before as each person can be a carrier, infected without symptoms, or not yet displaying symptoms. Essentially, the care that one person takes is the care that they are extending to their community and the planet. This virus cannot be contained by a few individuals doing the work, it will require everyone to come together for the collective’s wellbeing. This shift in consciousness and actions is the groundwork for the new paradigm that is awakening right now. Please, do your part and take the utmost care as this effort needs your full cooperation to be effective.Solfit
Through taking care of your emotional wellbeing, connecting to the sun, creating within the spaciousness and caring for the collective, this time can be used as an incubation for a new level of consciousness
This collective pause is crucial. It is teaching you to feel any feelings that have not been given the time and space they deserve. You also have the space and power to connect with nature or the sun as its light recharges your energy field and balances your mood. You have the opportunity to reconnect with your childlike sense of creativity and balance. And perhaps most importantly, this time is requiring a certain level of collective collaboration for the wellbeing of all. 


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